Christmas with Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia and the Hustle and Bustle of Christmas

In the midst of the hustle and bustle of Christmas I have definitely been reminded by my body that I have Fibromyalgia. There have been countless times I wish I didn’t-probably every moment of the day-because there is so much I want to do and so much I cannot do, anymore.

It seems this holiday season is whizzing by in a blink of an eye! Try as I might to slow down and rest (as I should with this condition) I find that the busyness of the season has prevented me from doing so.

Car trips to visit loved ones wreak havoc on my body and within 24 hours I can feel the pain just creeping into my body deeper and deeper. The joys of the visit can get clouded by the reality of the pain.

I also love to wrap presents! I get so excited picking out the paper and the ribbons and getting everything all ready! I think I enjoy giving presents more than I enjoy receiving them! The problem I have found since I developed this condition is that repetitious movements and Fibromyalgia do not mix. The constant moving of my hand from cutting with the scissors, the bending over the table to cut the paper, the holding of the pen as I write out all my Christmas cards seem to just wreak havoc on my body!

It is so hard to comprehend that something which I have always loved and enjoyed can cause me so much pain now. It is at these thoughts that I try to see the positives in my life.

It’s easy to write about pacing yourself, but doing it is another matter entirely. Some days it seems that my life just cannot afford the luxury of pacing myself and resting.

As I write this I am looking at the beauty of my Christmas tree. I am enjoying the crackling of the fire. (Thank you loving daughter for making it for me!) I am trying to savor the quieter moments. I am trying to rest but my body just screams from the pain in my joints and inner being. Instead of focusing on the pain, I am wanting to see the blessings of rest by taking the time to look around me.

I want to encourage you to take time this holiday season to enjoy the little things around you. Take time to enjoy the twinkling lights and listen to some Christmas carols. If driving does not bother you, go tour a lighted neighborhood or holiday lights display. You’ll be glad you did!

My prayer is that these ideas will give you strength through the pain-that it will encourage you. I know it has for me!

Many Christmas blessings from my house to yours!

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