Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Cast Your Cares Upon the Lord

Have Faith! The Bible (paraphrased) says not to worry about tomorrow because today has enough going on to monopolize our minds. This is true for everyone, but for a Fibromyalgia sufferer it’s VERY true. Worry can add stress to our minds, which overflows to our bodies, which causes immeasurable, debilitating pain that is all-consuming and can last for days.

Worry is something I am good at doing; I also know what worrying does to me physically. 

As a Fibromyalgia sufferer, I have to continually watch out what my mind thinks about. I run a large household, I home-school and I manage our family’s bluegrass band. My husband also has bone cancer. I have oodles to worry about in any given day! The key is for me to take my thoughts captive and “Cast all my cares upon the Lord.”

Easier said than done, but I do try. Some days I manage just fine, others…well…


“Today is the Tomorrow you Worried About Yesterday.”

Take life one day at a time, one moment at a time. 

The pain will still be there, but we can help control the flares by minimizing the worrying!

Hang in there-
~The Fibro Momma of Ten

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