Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

A Beautiful, Spring Fibromyalgia, Self-Afflicted Pain Day!

I awoke to a beautiful, crisp spring morning. The breeze was coming out of the NNE. I poured a cup of decaf coffee (I have a PVC Heart Arrhythmia which means no caffeine). I went outside to sit on my new wooden swing and took in the day!

It almost felt like autumn!

Here in the midwest we have had our share of rain. That is why my morning was even more meaningful…no rain!

My daughters and I enjoyed the time outside for an hour or so, then onto breakfast and chores!

Today’s schedule showed weeding and woodpile. Hmmm…both not good for a person with Fibromyalgia, but, it needed to be done!

I enjoy doing yard work and set to it!

30 minutes later and the flower bed I assigned to myself was done. My back was, too. Lower burny-achey, locking up…

Lunch time and then, the wood pile!

So over the winter a huge tree fell down in our woods due to the storms. This spring my son-in-law came and cut it up, split the pieces and helped my children haul it up to the designated location.

Today we have a HuGe pile of wood for our fireplace this winter! (Happiness all around!)

However, my husband wanted that pile stacked. Needless to say, 3 hours and 10, 8’w by 3’d by 6’h rows later, we have accomplished that task! ( He actually asked the girls to do it, but, hey! Why not supervise and enjoy the time spent together?)

My body handled it well. Actually, the day was so beautiful it made the job almost fly by. (Singing together helped, too!) But by row 3 I was really feeling the pains of a Fibro body! I rested a bit while orchestrating the girls on how to stack properly, then back at it I went!

My adrenaline was surging as the pile slowly dwindled down, giving us all a surge of “I think I can, I think I can…”

Well, it has only been 1.5 hours since we stopped. I have had a hot shower and am back on my wooden swing enjoying the evening, which is as gorgeous as the morning was.

However, I am stiff, sore, locked up and wondering if I will be able to even get up out of this swing later…

Oh! How I miss the yard work and only hurting because you worked hard. Now, with Fibromyalgia, I feel run over and left for dead after I’ve worked hard!

Sometimes when I have not worked at all…

Alas! The beauty of the day has kept me going! So has working along side my daughters! I have missed that so much and I know I will pay in pain for it in the coming days, but today was worth it!

Happy spring day to you!

~The Fibro Momma of Ten

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