Fibromyalgia Pain, Living Daily with Fibromyalgia

Just a Blog About Fibro

Today I am just writing a blog about living with Fibromyalgia. 

What does that mean? 

It means that I am just a normal person whose life has ups and down same as anyone. Sad days, happy days. Emotional days and steady days. I am just your average Jolene who has a life she is trying to live each and every day. 

It just so happens that I also suffer from a multitude of  chronic pain issues.                               Like in every joint.

Today I am also suffering from eye problems. The whole time I am typing this my eyesight is blurred. I wear bifocals now and I am constantly moving my head up and down looking for a clear row to see through. Not every day is a bad eye day, but today is. 

Fibromyalgia sufferers can have problems at any time on any given body part.  From the head to the toes. Random pain. It can last for one minute or one hour…or longer. It is a part of the condition.  

How do I handle this?

Well, I was diagnosed in 2015. Click here to take you to my story. My life is busy. Unyieldingly busy. Is that even a word???

I have a husband with blood cancer, two sons in Marine Corp boot camp, one son in the Navy, and a family bluegrass band that is still kicking after the boys departure and  variety of farm animals to take care of. I home school, and have for over 22 years. I love my busy life! I have a great family! But I also have Fibromyalgia. 

Today is a wet, cold, dreary fall day. I used to love these days. I still do, to a degree, but the pains these types of days bring me is not lovable. 

On top of that, my basement began leaking (again) and the morning was spent using the shop-vac and trying to find the leak. Add that my girls are at their sisters and my hubby and I are the only ones home! 

My body aches! So does my husbands. His condition makes him tire way too easily and energy, for him, is scarce.

Let’s just say I wish the sun were out. 

Today I am living life. Today life brought me rain and a leaky basement. But, today also brought me comfort in knowing I have another day yet to live.

So, rain or shine-Here is to life!

God Bless-

~The Fibro Momma of Ten

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