Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Handling Life with Fibromyalgia

I am a sufferer of Fibromyalgia…I have had a pretty crazy winter so far and this blog was not something I could keep up with. Let me backtrack…

I am a mother of ten children, wife to a wonderful husband of almost thirty years. Last fall, my last two sons at home joined the United States Marine Corps and is currently at MCT preparing to go off to their chosen MOS school. I traveled to see one son graduate boot camp in January and my husband went to see the other one graduate in December. (They each were put in three weeks apart).

Christmas and the New Year fell around all of this. Both sons got to come home on leave, but not at the same time. My “momma” spirit desired to make each son their favorite meals while home. It was a glorious time, but also a rough one for my Fibro body.

Would I do it again…absolutely!

I now have three sons serving, including my new Marines and one that is a three year U.S. Navy Submariner. When they come home on leave, my life stops and I cook them everything they crave!

It’s a Mom thing!

I have homeschooled for over 22 years and still have three more at home to educate. My husband also has Myelofibrosis, a form of blood cancer; his is defective red blood cells. He still works everyday, except when he is being treated at the Cancer Center–He is an inspiration to us all!! However, he is blood transfusion dependent, on average every 10-11 days, and is also on some heavy duty chemo-type meds, which make him suffer from Chemo induced stomach issues. My life is quite busy, hence the neglecting of this blog.

So, that being said, the question may be…How am I doing?


I am currently sitting alone at a state park at the request of an older daughter who feels I may need a little “me” time…time to collect my thoughts, get alone with God…pray for my family without interruption…get alone with The Word of God in the new journaling Bible I purchased just for these “get-away” afternoons. Click here for the one I bought.

Today I felt I was to reach out to the cyber world…letting you all know I am still here…



My plantar fasciitis is better, but walking weird for the past 9 months has me now with Extensor Tendonitis. I actually think it hurts more than the fasciitis. Well, maybe not worse…but a different kind of hurt. I mean, like walking is not something I can do well anymore. I have to walk a lot when I go with my husband to see his Oncologist at a large mid-western cancer center and he has the various tests done several times a month…The Fibromyalgia pain alone is hard to muddle through and the days that follow a trip are hard on my body.

So, how am I doing?

Well, the best I can be with God by my side.

I take things a day at a time and a moment at a time, rest when I can and pray- a lot.

I have learned to live and maneuver with pain. I know that this is the life God has given to me and I am content with it. Now, that does NOT mean I have given up. Quite the contrary!! I still make wise food choices, try to exercise as often as possible and rest when I can. It is a contentment of me knowing God’s GOT this!

I pray you can do the same.

Now, back to my Bible journal

God Bless-

The Fibro Momma of Ten

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