Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Fibromyalgia and Emotional Stress

The amount of stress a person is under can greatly affect how they feel physically, especially if you suffer from Fibromyalgia.

Emotional stress might be hidden beneath a facade of, perhaps, a smile and pleasant countenance, but underneath it is causing damage to your body.

Emotional stress eats away at you until you suddenly split wide open with all the suppressed emotions just bursting forth in an uncontrollable manner.

When this happens, it can be a great release to your physical form, but the aftermath will wreak havoc for days…especially if you are a sufferer of Fibromyalgia.

Suppressing those emotions takes a lot of energy.

Carrying the burdens of others for the sake of others can be equally detrimental to one’s health.

Sometimes you may feel you have no one to talk to who would actually understand how you feel.

There is One whom you can speak to.

One who completely understands and is there for you at any time of the day or the night.

Jesus listens to your heart before you even speak audibly. He knows your inner most thoughts and feelings.

Speaking to Him helps you muddle through the tangled mess your mind is in.

Speaking to Him helps release the pent up frustrations of a forced smiling countenance and allows you to smile with a genuine sense of freedom from the cares that once oppressed your soul.

Give your cares and anxieties over to The One who cares more about you than anyone else ever could!

Jesus cares…that is why I write this today.

You DO NOT have to go through physical and emotional pain alone.

Cast your cares upon Him for He careth for you.

If you are dealing with emotional issues that is causing your Fibromyalgia or Chronic Pain Disorder to flare, give it over to Jesus.

God Bless-

The Fibro Momma of Ten

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