Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Stretching for your Mental Health

As a sufferer of psoriasis, Psoriatic Arthritis and fibromyalgia, getting through my day can be challenging. Add a double fracture to my Coccyx, and the day becomes overwhelming. I (might have) had the Arthritis part down before my fall; my morning routine consisted of stiff and sore me (feeling like I'd been run over already)… Continue reading Stretching for your Mental Health

Living Daily with Fibromyalgia

Exercise and Fibromyalgia

Exercise is vital to everyone's health, but when you have Fibromyalgia, exercise seems like a daunting task. The daily pains from Fibro make even the simplest of chores seem overwhelming. How does one make an exercise regimen when just getting up and going is a task all its own?  This seems to be a real… Continue reading Exercise and Fibromyalgia