Why is weather a factor for Fibromyalgia sufferers? I mean, just when you think the pacing you have been doing daily, (giving yourself adequate rest and not over doing it), and trying your best to get through the week, it drops out of the sky and rains. Literally. Well, such has been my prior two… Continue reading Fibromyalgia, the Weather and Family Meals
Category: Cooking with Fibromyalgia
Thanksgiving with Fibromyalgia
Happy Thanksgiving! Whew! It's been quite a week. This morning I awoke feeling like a brick building had collapsed on top of me. I felt as if I had to will each brick off of me before I could even get up. My body is sore and achey. It feels like the flu...only it's not.… Continue reading Thanksgiving with Fibromyalgia
Enjoying Thanksgiving with Fibromyalgia
So, the Thanksgiving holiday is upon us! Let's talk about how to make it a success when your dealing with Fibromyalgia! What makes a holiday? Family? Food? Friends? What makes it Thanksgiving? Family? Food? Friends? More food? It goes without saying that food is the number one word associated with Thanksgiving. Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing,… Continue reading Enjoying Thanksgiving with Fibromyalgia