Cooking with Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia, the Weather and Family Meals

Why is weather a factor for Fibromyalgia sufferers? I mean, just when you think the pacing you have been doing daily, (giving yourself adequate rest and not over doing it), and trying your best to get through the week, it drops out of the sky and rains. Literally.

Well, such has been my prior two days. With Valentine’s Day having come and gone and my son’s birthday to prepare for three days later, my body was already in need of some TLC. Yes, I go overboard each holiday and Valentine’s Day is no exception. I set the bar rather high when I did not battle this beast called Fibromyalgia.

Heart-shaped pancakes, heart-shaped cake, heart-shaped pizza…it is the tradition and memories I leave my children. However, with Fibro, it is now tougher to accomplish these things…but I do…and I want to.

Enter the weather. No amount of pacing can prepare a Fibro body for weather change.

Two nights ago my hips just screamed at me. They literally felt like they were coming off; the pain was excruitating and maddening. And then I heard it. The pelting sound of rain on the roof. I checked the radar and there it was…rain for hours…and dropping the temps way down. Since then I have not caught a break.

I awoke early this morning from the pain in my joints. The radar shows snow followed by rain is to be the forecast today.

And guess what? Today I have a house-full coming to celebrate with us. My son is 19 today. He is in college studying business finance and works at a bank. He is a great young man. I want his day to be a happy one.


My home is centered around the kitchen. Everything is based on the evening meal. (Yes, we are a family who gathers together each evening and breaks bread together. It stems from my upbringing. I was blessed with a family of good cooks who put family first and family meals top-priority.)

That said, today will predominantly be spent in the kitchen. My son’s favorite breakfast, lunch and dinner will be prepared in his honor. It’s what we do. It’s what I love to do.

~end of sidebar~

However, my body does not usually cooperate…ever. And on this snowy-turned rainy Saturday, I will catch no break from the pain. My “scarecrow body” will need to be gathered together and forced to walk. Later it will change to my “tin-man body” and I will need my “oil can” just to keep going…if only I had and oil can. Ha!

I am sure in my case my week caught up to me and the weather just made it worse. Whatever the cause, I hurt more today. One good thing about Fibromyalgia is that you don’t look like you hurt. But inside you are groaning!

So here is to the waffles and homemade mac and cheese. Here is to the spicy wings and other yumminess to bless our palettes today. Here is to my family, who not only is coming over to celebrate, but will undoubtedly be helping me in the endeavor of cooking all these scrumptious things!

I am blessed…pain and all.

And lastly, here is to my son! May his birthday be filled with pleasantness and love!

(and good food!)

Happy Saturday and gentle hugs!

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