What is a major FIBRO day? Well, today is, of course! Why? Because today's episode is due to a change in the weather. Rain, wind, and storms make for a very blustery fall day and it is what I awoke to today. I knew what type of weather it was before my eyes opened. The… Continue reading Fibromyalgia and Extreme Weather Changes Don’t Mix
Tag: Fibro Flare
Fibro flares happen daily and rest is vital to getting through them.
Daily Life and Fibromyalgia
Daily life with Fibromyalgia is not an easy thing. Life still goes on. The sun still rises and the family still wakes up. Shopping still needs to happen, laundry still needs to be washed, dried, folded and put away. Dishes still need to be completed before the next meal....and we don't need to talk about… Continue reading Daily Life and Fibromyalgia
We Interrupt this Day for a Major Fibro Flare
So, today I had a major Fibro flare. See, I sewed yesterday with my ten-year old daughter who has been wanting me to teach her how to sew an apron. (It was on my summer "to do" list and well, it is summer, after all.) Of course that means I had to make an apron… Continue reading We Interrupt this Day for a Major Fibro Flare