Fibromyalgia Pain

Daily Life and Fibromyalgia

Daily life with Fibromyalgia is not an easy thing. Life still goes on. The sun still rises and the family still wakes up. Shopping still needs to happen, laundry still needs to be washed, dried, folded and put away. Dishes still need to be completed before the next meal....and we don't need to talk about… Continue reading Daily Life and Fibromyalgia

Living Daily with Fibromyalgia

We Interrupt this Day for a Major Fibro Flare

So, today I had a major Fibro flare. See, I sewed yesterday with my ten-year old daughter who has been wanting me to teach her how to sew an apron. (It was on my summer "to do" list and well, it is summer, after all.) Of course that means I had to make an apron… Continue reading We Interrupt this Day for a Major Fibro Flare

Living Daily with Fibromyalgia

Ripe Peaches and a Fibro Day

Yesterday we drove just over 1.5 hours away to play music at a nursing home. As always, it was great fun meeting the residents and playing music! Then we all stopped at our favorite place-Cracker Barrel- for dinner. Does anyone NOT like that place? Seriously, it is the best! (Just saying!) Afterward,  we headed farther… Continue reading Ripe Peaches and a Fibro Day

Living Daily with Fibromyalgia

New “Normal” Fibro Day

Today was what I would call one of my regular "new normal" days. I awoke with the usual pains and stiffness while slowly making my way to the bathroom to begin my daily routine. I got my husband's coffee and apple prepared for his departure to work. I poured my own cup of coffee, made… Continue reading New “Normal” Fibro Day

Fibromyalgia Migraines, Fibromyalgia Pain

When a Fibromyalgia Migraine hits…

Today was a Fibromyalgia migraine day. I awoke with the familiar feeling of how migraines befall me. The normal awakening to feeling run over and hurting was there, but it was the deep joint aching. Almost a burning feeling. Like your tendons and ligaments are literally peeling away from the bone. That hazy head feeling… Continue reading When a Fibromyalgia Migraine hits…

Living Daily with Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia Frustration

What is my biggest frustration?? Well, it would be choosing how to use what energy I have to complete the things that need to be done in a day. Especially when there are so many things that need to be done.  If I break these down to the bare necessities then I am faced with the… Continue reading Fibromyalgia Frustration

Living Daily with Fibromyalgia

Travel and Fibro Pain Don’t Mix

Travel and Fibro always leave me hurting! Well, this past weekend I traveled 1.5 hours away and celebrated 27 years with the love of my life. He is the best! We had a nice time. I was on Ibuprofen around the clock because I had another blessed PT appointment the day before. We ate at… Continue reading Travel and Fibro Pain Don’t Mix

Fibromyalgia Pain

Fibromyalgia and Pool Therapy

Last month I began Physical Therapy. (I am doing everything I can to try to ease the pains of this dreaded disease). Because of the Fibromyalgia, water therapy was recommended. So, down into the water I went, doing walking laps and other various leg exercises. It felt pretty decent while I was doing it. Once… Continue reading Fibromyalgia and Pool Therapy

Living Daily with Fibromyalgia

Doing daily tasks when you hurt

Today I hurt. This is not unusual since I have Fibromyalgia. I spent the past seven days living my life as wife and mother. With Fibro it is not as easy as it used to be *sigh*. Last weekend, I made and decorated a cake for our son's high school graduation party. After "writing" Congratulations… Continue reading Doing daily tasks when you hurt

Fibromyalgia Migraines

Fibro Migraines

Migraines are a drag. Fibro Migraines are worse because they engulf your whole being. Time has a way of moving by too quickly, but when you have Fibromyalgia, it tends to go by slower, especially if you are having more pain than usual. When you get a Fibromyalgia migraine, you lose blocks of time out… Continue reading Fibro Migraines

Living Daily with Fibromyalgia

Hello World! I think this Blog has taken flight!

Well, I think this Fibromyalgia and Lupus Blog might actually be getting off the ground! Today was a rough day for me after coming off a weekend of watching the kiddos play music. We had driven 1.5 hours away yesterday. Driving is so hard on my body-even just sitting in the 15 passenger van while… Continue reading Hello World! I think this Blog has taken flight!