Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Labor Day Memories

Labor Day is the last celebrated American holiday for BBQ's before the weather turns cold. For me, Labor Day has always signified the day before school began. As a child, it was the last "Hooray!" day because you knew that the next day, school would begin. It was a bittersweet time in my childhood. My… Continue reading Labor Day Memories
Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Lead Me to Higher Ground During this Fibromyalgia Flare

Lake Michigan, USA. My view from the hotel where my husband is in meetings all week. This particular block of time in my life is one of a seemingly never-ending time of a major Fibromyalgia Flare. I am listening to instrumental hymns and currently "Higher Ground" is playing. Do you know the hymn? I’m pressing… Continue reading Lead Me to Higher Ground During this Fibromyalgia Flare
Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Positive Thoughts and Fibromylagia

(This article was reprinted by request.) Okay, so let's talk about the realities of having Fibromyalgia or another chronic pain disease. Few websites or blogs will touch on this subject. I will do my best to do so. See, I am a daily Fibromyalgia warrior. I fight the battle of pain every day and it… Continue reading Positive Thoughts and Fibromylagia
Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

When the storms of a Fibromyalgia flare occur, what do you do?

When the storms of a Fibromyalgia flare occur, what do you do?... What can I say? Sadly, today has been a bad day for me. I felt the flare coming on yesterday, although I tried to ignore the symptoms. I had had two consecutive nights of being woken up with all the joint pains, but last… Continue reading When the storms of a Fibromyalgia flare occur, what do you do?
Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Varying Hormone Levels in Your Home and Fibromyalgia

I deal with a lot of different personalities and hormone levels at my house. Why?? Well, for starters I have ten children from ages 27 down to 9 and six still live at home. Each one is uniquely made and each one goes through his or her own issues at any given time. I have… Continue reading Varying Hormone Levels in Your Home and Fibromyalgia
Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Cast Your Cares Upon the Lord

Have Faith! The Bible (paraphrased) says not to worry about tomorrow because today has enough going on to monopolize our minds. This is true for everyone, but for a Fibromyalgia sufferer it's VERY true. Worry can add stress to our minds, which overflows to our bodies, which causes immeasurable, debilitating pain that is all-consuming and… Continue reading Cast Your Cares Upon the Lord
Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Life Does Not Stop for Fibromyalgia

June has been quite a month for this Fibro Momma! Music engagements, family visits, Father's Day, my 28th Anniversary...all has kept me busy, busy. Life does not slow down for Fibromyalgia.   So, What do you do when life does not slow down for Fibromyalgia sufferers and your body desperately needs it to??  Pacing yourself… Continue reading Life Does Not Stop for Fibromyalgia
Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Fibromyalgia and Deadlines

When you have deadlines to meet and you suffer from Fibromyalgia, that can make one's week extremely difficult to get through. I don't know about you, but when I have a deadline it causes my adrenaline to kick in, allowing me to accomplish the task at hand, but the after effects can be debilitating. My… Continue reading Fibromyalgia and Deadlines
Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

When a Fibromyalgia Flare Never Seems to End

When a Fibromyalgia flare never seems to end, what do you do? How about when "life" seems to overtake you and the Fibro has you immobilized and you can barely move from the intense pain that has befallen your Fibro body, what about that? Does your pain seem to come and go on different parts… Continue reading When a Fibromyalgia Flare Never Seems to End
Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Weather Changes and Pain

"There's a change in the weather, says I" Yep. It's true. I don't need the weather app to tell me a storm is coming. I can feel it.  Hours before it happens, I know. My hips, my knees, and my shoulders. You know, any part of me with ball and sockets...and everything on me that hinges and… Continue reading Weather Changes and Pain
Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Fibromyalgia and NOT over-doing it!

I'm a Fibromyalgia Warrior and it's the last week in February and the good Lord has given me a day of sunshine! So, after school lessons were done, we headed outside to enjoy the day! However, this Momma decided to attack the neglected patio due to dreary winter weather instead of sitting quietly in the… Continue reading Fibromyalgia and NOT over-doing it!
Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Is Fibromyalgia Progressive?

This month marks the 3-year anniversary of my diagnosis with Fibromyalgia. I wish I could say that the past 3 years I have stayed the way I was at my diagnosis. However, my experience has led me to conclude that Fibromyalgia is a progressive condition. When I was first diagnosed, my pain levels were at… Continue reading Is Fibromyalgia Progressive?
Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Fibromyalgia and Dividing your Chores

When you have Fibromyalgia, you have to divide up your chores into segments. That means NOT doing things all in one day. For me, this is a hard rule to follow. Especially when my old, pre-fibro self used to "do-it-all" in one day! Take summer gardening. Once upon a time used to pick, wash, cook… Continue reading Fibromyalgia and Dividing your Chores
Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Fibromyalgia and Emotional Stress

Stress can wreak havoc on anyone's health, but for a person with Fibromyalgia, it can be gruesome.  Emotional Stress effects people in different ways. Sadness, grief, joy  and laughter are all emotions, but when intense sadness befalls a Fibro sufferer, it causes pain like no other.  Recently I encountered a situation where my emotions rose… Continue reading Fibromyalgia and Emotional Stress
Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Happy 2018 with Fibromyalgia

Happy 2018 with Fibromyalgia! What? Can you even put the word "happy" with Fibromyalgia? No, not really. But it is a new year and everyone says "Happy New Year!!", right? A positive outlook is crucial with a condition like Fibromyalgia. Sadly, I must admit that I am not always as upbeat as I try to… Continue reading Happy 2018 with Fibromyalgia
Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Fibromyalgia, Stress and Fibro-fog

Fibromyalgia, stress and Fibro-fog do not go hand-in-hand. When I awoke this morning I knew what kind of day I was going to have because my brain was not thinking clearly. I immediately set out to stay calm, move slowly, follow a list, and keep my day as structured and orderly as possible. I think… Continue reading Fibromyalgia, Stress and Fibro-fog
Cooking with Fibromyalgia, Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Thanksgiving with Fibromyalgia 

Happy Thanksgiving! Whew! It's been quite a week. This morning I awoke feeling like a brick building had collapsed on top of me. I felt as if I had to will each brick off of me before I could even get up. My body is sore and achey.  It feels like the flu...only it's not.… Continue reading Thanksgiving with Fibromyalgia
Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Wednesday of Thanksgiving week with Fibromyalgia

Well, yesterday was Wednesday of my Thanksgiving week. I have Fibromyalgia and I feel like I have it... I have been baking and preparing for Thanksgiving all week and I tried to complete the list I had made earlier in the week to keep me in track. In conjunction with a turkey craft and Jell-o… Continue reading Wednesday of Thanksgiving week with Fibromyalgia
Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Fibro Tuesday and Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie Baking

Well, It is Tuesday afternoon of Thanksgiving week and I just finished baking 6 pumpkin pies, one coconut cream and one vanilla cream pie. My "helpers" have been fighting a virus that causes a headache and makes them lethargic and seems to last about 24 hours so I baked all the pies, save the vanilla… Continue reading Fibro Tuesday and Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie Baking
Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Fibro Monday Thanksgiving Pumpkins

Today is Monday of Thanksgiving week and I've been cooking down pumpkins! Cooking and Fibromyalgia don't often go together!!  Good thing I had my handy list available to keep me on track! (Fibro-fog!) That list said I was to cook down pumpkins today for pie! Did I succeed? Well, 4 pumpkins gave their lives for… Continue reading Fibro Monday Thanksgiving Pumpkins
Fibromyalgia Family Life, Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Fibromyalgia Flare-up

What causes a Fibromyalgia flare up? That is something I have been trying to figure out for over 3 years now. So, tonight at 8:30 p.m. my body decided to completely give out on me. No advanced preview of coming attractions... just flat-out locked up and said "I'm done!" I probably should have expected… Continue reading Fibromyalgia Flare-up
Fibromyalgia Pain, Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Living Through Daily Fibromyalgia Pain

Fibromyalgia pain is a constant, never-ending type of pain that Fibros battle daily with no reprieve in sight. Here is a post about part of a "normal" day in the life of a Fibro-Momma... ******************* So I just came inside from a forced walk in our pasture with my dog. I say forced, not because… Continue reading Living Through Daily Fibromyalgia Pain
Fibromyalgia Pain, Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Fibromyalgia, Beta Blockers and PVC Heart Arrhythmia

I have Fibromyalgia. I also have been diagnosed with a PVC Heart Arrhythmia and I have learned how the Beta Blockers affect me, both for the good and the not-so-good. I have been taking a Beta Blocker for over six weeks now after a bout with my heart where it would not stop missing beats… Continue reading Fibromyalgia, Beta Blockers and PVC Heart Arrhythmia
Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Fibromyalgia and Extreme Weather Changes Don’t Mix 

What is a major FIBRO day? Well, today is, of course! Why? Because today's episode is due to a change in the weather.  Rain, wind, and storms make for a very blustery fall day and it is what I awoke to today. I knew what type of weather it was before my eyes opened. The… Continue reading Fibromyalgia and Extreme Weather Changes Don’t Mix
Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Fibromyalgia and Exercise

There are many forms of exercise for Fibro sufferers. I have had inquiries as to whether or not the pool therapy and the myofascial massage I tried this past summer has benefited me. In all honesty, I would have to say no. The pool therapy made my normal daily routine more cumbersome to maneuver through.… Continue reading Fibromyalgia and Exercise
Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Stress and Fibromyalgia

If you suffer from Fibromyalgia, stress can be a contributing factor to flares. How do you handle stress? Well, that has been an ongoing investigation for this Momma! I am a homeschooling mother with six children still living at home, four still being educated by me, and four already out of the house. Stress just… Continue reading Stress and Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia Family Life, Living Daily with Chronic Invisible Illness

Fibromyalgia and the Guilt Complex

You may have read on other blogs about how some people with Fibromyalgia lovingly tell friends and family that they cannot attend an event or host a gathering and bow-out "gracefully." In this post I we will speak about the realities of the guilt involved by doing this and its repercussions on your health.There is… Continue reading Fibromyalgia and the Guilt Complex